As an artist and theatre maker, I constantly seek new ways to be engaged in my own creative work. It’s my life’s passion. Dance, art, music and creative writing are for me, immensely powerful and they are a constant source of joy and inspiration. I’ve found it challenging yet immensely satisfying to develop my skills into creating performance lectures that I deliver in and around the south east.
This is teaching-as-art, a dance-theatre piece which I perform in theatres, universities, colleges, at conferences, and other various settings. Without a doubt, my former personal struggles have inspired me to reach out to others, so I have created a thought-provoking 20-30 minute live theatre piece, followed by a talk and Q & A session.
I adapt my performance for my audience, however, my story of recovery through creativity and the arts is aimed at inspiring and guiding young people, as well as people experiencing addiction and working in the field of recovery. This is physical theatre with a clear message of hope, therefore its reach could be even wider to anyone who likes a good story with a happy ending!

What is a performance lecture?

The idea for creating these performance lectures started when I presented a creative memorial in tribute to a renowned doctor in my field, to honour her love, skills and dedication to her profession. The piece reflected and acknowledged our work together and communicates how her working process and the arts supported my recovery.
My performance lectures merge the boundaries between a narrative based lecture and an animated live performance, enabling me to explore new and exciting ways to present my work.
Through dance, poetry and art I tell my story, I use symbolic movements, costumes, music and projections to engage the audience, an effective means to deliver inspiration and reassurance of redemption through the creative arts.
If you would like to discuss how my performance lectures or theatre could inspire your audience, why not contact me today?