The LifeArt Theatre Project
The LifeArt Theatre Project is a concept born from the tremendous success of the LifeArt Course which has been running for the past four consecutive years in Brighton.
The LifeArt course is an arts based project that uses dance, art and creative writing to explore the spiritual principles that underpin the 12 step recovery programme. It is offered to women who are in abstinence based recovery from drug and alcohol misuse and other destructive behaviours, it also supports family members affected by addiction and is funded by Create Recovery Arts Charity.
The LifeArt Theatre Project is a collaborative piece of work with local musicians, dancers, writers and visual artists who are in recovery. It will begin as improvisation sessions expanding on and developing the idea of the creative exploration of the spiritual principles of the 12 Steps. The material will be devised from the interaction between the artists and reflections on personal stories and will form the basis of the work to be used for a final performance.
The aim of the performance is to offer audiences a glimpse of the profound and brave journey a person takes when they go into recovery and begin to reclaim their lives after addiction. The overall intention of the project is to spread a message of inspiration and hope and to support the continued growth of a local thriving, creative, recovery community.